Johnny - Detroit #LongCovid Survivor
Hello, I am Johnny Miggins.
I am 56 years old and work as a technician with AT&T. I contracted COVID-19 in March 2020 and am still unable to trace where/how I contracted it; may have been from a customer in the job as I am in and out of houses and businesses.
At the onset, I started losing my sense of taste – everything started to taste like rusted nails. Then there was an unrelenting cough, body aches, and chills. I performed a screen from the CDC website which resulted in “presumed positive, contact your primary care physician.” My doctor directed me to quarantine in my bedroom for 14 days. In that first week aches and pain took over my entire body. I experienced severe headaches, chills, fever reaching 104 at times, shortness of breath, chest pains, barely able to sleep at night, and a 20lb weight loss.
I must admit I am blessed to have a great, compassionate and empathetic doctor. He would call me three times per week to check on my condition and progress. Because of the unrelenting cough, my doctor ordered a CT scan of my chest which revealed pneumonia in both lungs as well as a severe infection. I have never been on any medication and was in great physical health – weight training and running at least 2 miles 4-5 times weekly. Currently, I am using two different types of inhalers. My condition has me unable to perform my work duties, however, I am so grateful that I am covered in my work disability for the time being.
It is my prayer and strong desire that everyone take this virus seriously! It does not discriminate. It does not care about anyone’s physical condition. It does not care about age, gender, lifestyle, religion, social status nor race. We all have been directly or indirectly affected by COVID-19. If we all do our part by wearing masks, social distancing, proper sanitary or procedures, we show that we are thinking about the ‘other person’ and their well-being which will help overcome this dreaded virus.
After being educated and enlightened and having my misconceptions about the vaccine dispelled, I have received both doses of the Pfizer vaccine. Although after each dose my reactions which lasted two days were as though I had covid all over again. Though I still deal with long-haul symptoms of shortness of breath, coughing, fatigue, brain fog, and occasional headaches, I am looking forward to the day when all these symptoms are gone. In the meantime, I feel that getting the vaccine is one of the greatest contributions I could make in this time of pandemic confusion.
The Michigan Covid 19 ‘Survivor Stories Blog’ highlights fellow Michiganders to continue building connections and shedding light on long-haulers that need additional resources and support.