Pastor Sherry

Pastor Sherry has become a public “spokesperson” for being a long-haul Covid-19 survivor in Petoskey. Both she and her husband contracted the virus in the fall after Sherry underwent shoulder surgery.   Sherry’s onset of symptoms did not include a fever, so she was initially denied a test.   It was only after her routine diabetic screening with her endocrinologist that she found out she was positive.  Unlike many cases, the virus rested in Sherry’s digestive tract, causing her to have symptoms like continuous vomiting and hives the size of her hand.  Five months later, she still experiences effects that can make it difficult to function.  To connect with others and search for more information than the doctors can currently provide, she created a daily public Facebook journal to document the experience and help others understand the struggles of long-haulers. The response has been both positive and negative:  receiving an outpouring of support from other long-haulers and some resistance from deniers.  But as a progressive female pastor, Sherry is used to the criticism.  When asked if she is “ticked-off at God about all of this,” Sherry responds, “No. I believe there are disease and sickness in the world, and God is here to walk me through it.” 

*Hear Pastor Sherry’s full story below in her Zoom Interview

[image description: a black and white image of a woman with dark hair and glasses sitting on her covered front porch. She is smiling and looking directly into the camera. She wears a dark-colored sweater, black pants, and white tennis shoes. A string of wired Christmas lights are wrapped around the rafter above her.]


Hear Her Story.


Sherry is a pastor at Cross of Christ Lutheran Church, ELCA. She lives in Petoskey with her husband and two dogs. Follow Pastor Sherry McGuffin on Facebook to see her inspirational daily long-hauler Covid-19 diary.



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Sherry is being treated by Dean Tahtinen at Fyzical Therapy and Balance Center of Petoskey using Dolphin Micro Point Stimulation and has had success in treating her Long Covid Symptoms. Dean is looking for more Long Covid patients for case studies. If you suffer from Long Covid and may be interested in this treatment, contact Dean at